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Treadmill Stress Test

Saturday, February 8, 2020



The treadmill stress test records the heart’s electrical activity, including rate and rhythm, during
exercise, most often for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease. Exercise places stress on the
heart, and performing a treadmill stress test can bring out abnormalities caused by partial blockages
 in the coronary arteries – abnormalities that may not be apparent at rest.
Preparing for the test:
  • You can drink water, but do not eat anything 4 hours prior to the test
  • Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and comfortable walking shoes
  • Do not put on any lotions on the day of the test
  • Do not consume any caffeine or decaffeinated beverages for 24 hours before your stress test. Items with caffeine include sodas, ‘caffeine free’ sodas, coffee, decaf coffee, tea, decaf tea, chocolate, Excedrin, and certain cold or diet pills
  • If you are diabetic, hold your medication
  • Continue to take all medications except for beta blockers and diabetic medications
  • Bring a snack and drink, if you desire
  • Bring your inhaler(s), if you use them
  • Bring a list of medications and dosages
During the test:
  • We will place electrodes on your chest
  • You will be asked to perform a “graded” exercise test on a treadmill. The exercise-protocol that you will follow will be determined by the cardiologist supervising your test, but will begin at a relatively easy level and become progressively more difficult with each subsequent stage
  • Your blood pressure, heart rate, and ECG will be recorded at frequent intervals at rest and during exercise and after exercise. The physician or technologist may stop the test at any time for medical reasons, and you may ask to stop the test at any time due to fatigue or discomfort. However, we encourage you to exercise as long as possible so that we may assess your heart under maximum stress.



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